Contact Us

Main Office

Physical address of Church and Hall/Gym:

St. Michael Catholic Church

100 Antwerp Drive (not mailing address)

Hicksville, OH  43526

(please do not use 100 Antwerp Drive any longer for mailing)




311 West High Street

Hicksville, OH  43526


Church/Hall – 419-542-8714

Office – 419-542-8202

Fax – 419-542-9513


CCD House

307 West High Street (do not mail)

Office Hours:  Wednesdays and Fridays following 8:30am Mass – Noon; also available for appointments


Very Rev. Daniel E. Borgelt, V.F., Pastor

Office:  419-542-8202; Edgerton Office:  419-298-2540; Cell 419-231-3628

Deacon Joseph Timbrook and his wife Diane – ordained on September 15, 2007


Deacon Rod Conkle and his wife Jodi – ordained on September 16, 2017


Deacon John Kromer, Senior Status, and his wife Ronnie – ordained in 1993


Office Manager / Bookkeeper Susie Smalley – 419-542-8202 / – hired May, 2005


Office Assistant Jan Kaylor –

Coordinator of Religious Education (CCD Coor.) Deano Smalley

Custodian / Maintenance Bob Meyer and his lovely assistant and wife Polly –

In-Church Custodian Beth Mendez (with husband Ed)

Lawn Care Specialists Paul Pierce (with Haley) and Jeremy Gadow (with Stephanie)


Rounding out our Custodian Staff is Veronica Laker with her husband Wes and kids


Music Director Joy Martin

Musician Mrs. Earlee Harris


And just a few of our volunteers…

Landscaping Manager Rod Conkle and Future Deacon-in-Training Dale Gallup – and Janice Richardson (with husband Luke), head of Environment (Decorating)


Current Pastoral Council President Jeff Vetter and his wife Marjorie and some of their boys…

     …and Finance Council Chairman Gabe Inkrott and his wife Krista and family…


Bulletin Editor Mary Wermer and her husband Jason and family

New Parishioners, Prayers, and Other Needs

Prayer List:  contact the Office, 419-542-8202 /

Have Military Personnel in your family?  Please let us know.  contact the Office, 419-542-8202 /

Mass Intentions:  Put Mass intention and stipend of $10.00 in an envelope marked “Mass Intention for Name: ___” and include your name, in collection basket or contact the Office at 419-542-8202 /

New Parishioners:  Contact the Office to register.  We want to meet you!  And we have a gift for you!

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